Saturday, November 9, 2013


Welcome to!

Welcome! My name is Robert, (AKA) "Shotgunner" on the forums. I am the site administrator, and tonight I am bringing you shotgunners a bit of information regarding the site - The kind of plans that I have for it, etc. I want all of you to know that I value your feedback immensely - it not only helps me perfect this site, but provide content that YOU are interested in. Lets continue - onward we go!

Although the description of this site states that we are dedicated to the "safe and responsible use, care, and ownership of shotguns" - we are (at least, we will be) - SO much more.

I have many goals for this site - not just for "What content should I upload" - but "What can I bring to this site to make it a COMMUNITY?". Some of these ideas are:

1.) Provide resources for hunting - discuss America's history, why hunting is a great skill to have, how to do it successfully, where to get affordable equipment and more.

2.) Home defense content - suggest what to use, why, and give people varying resources that could help them (or save them), depending on the situation.

3.) Talk about rights, what is happening in the government currently (To benefit or restrict said rights), etc. - So that members of the community can stay "In the light" while media tries to keep everyone else "In the dark"

4.) Find deals on shells, reloading equipment, targets, knives, and more - saving money is great, because you can get more of what you want, or get what you were looking for and spend that much needed money on something else!

5.) Provide a forum network that lets people get help or advice on just about anything, and share content that they (or others) created. My goal is to create a hub that is more than an "internet forum" - I want people to feel that they know the other posters: sharing their favorite hunting tactics/techniques, discuss their home defense plans with others and refine them, make friends, and more.

There is so much to be done with this site to make it the best one out there... So much so that it is a hard choice deciding where to start!

Keep an eye on your favorite page(s)! Content is on the way - if you have any suggestions, feel free to post here, on the forums, or even toss me an e-mail via

Stay tuned, shotgunners!